TRENDING: FaceTime Dating – Are you doing it?
It seems being quarantined has made for a very safe dating scene, as long as you’re courting someone with an open mind. The trend that’s starting this weekend is FaceTime Dating. As you can see from these posts, everyone is approaching it in their own way and seem to be having fun with it!
Last night I had a first date via FaceTime. Sweats on and no makeup because if you can’t handle me during my Quarantine, you don’t deserve me during Freedom.
— Beth Matthews (@BethAnneMatt) March 22, 2020
So anyway, he wants to see me again. #COVIDー19 #QuaratineLife
quick screenshot of Morrison and I casually waiting for our facetime date
— isabela 🕯 (@belathebat) March 22, 2020
I'm about to have a 'dinner date' via facetime.
— Rekha don't Break-a™️ (@TheRekhaSharma) March 22, 2020
He won't be buying me dinner, but I also won't be kissing him Goodnight.#CoronaDating #SocialDistancing