Here’s How To Cure Zoom Fatiuge
We all can get tired of video calls, even the CEO of Zoom Eric Yaun.
While on a video call, Yuan was asked by a Wall Street Journal editor if he ever gets Zoom fatigue. His answer was very honest.
“I do!” he answered right back according to “I can tell you. Last April (one day), I had a total of 19 Zoom meetings! I’m so tired of that! I do not have any back-to-back meetings anymore. I think I feel much more comfortable.”
With more people working from home than ever it seems Zoom will be around for a long time.
Stanford University researchers looked into why Zoom calls seem more demanding than in-person conversations. Heres what they came up with:
- Not a lot of physical movement
- excessive eye contact
- too much mirroring yourself
- “An elevated cognitive load”
The fix: remove Zoom from the full-screen, turn off your camera, step away from your device, and take screen breaks by only listening to the audio.