When Cancer becomes the Solution
– Andie Summers is host of XTU’s The Andie Summers Show. She’s been heard on XTU for 20+ years.
Hi, Have you met my sister Debbie? She’s a hoot. 🙂
Like most sisters, our relationship has had it’s ups and downs. When I was little (she’s about 9 years older than I am) Debbie used to terrorize me. I remember one year, I must have been about 12 or 13, my parents gave me a tape recorder for Christmas. I thought I was the coolest middle schooler ever because my big sister had the same tape recorder! But then, she burst my bubble when she told me that my new tape recorder was actually her old one because Mom and Dad didn’t love me enough to spend money on me. (Not true, btw)
Remarkably, here we are some 30+years-later and Debbie is my best friend. I’m not sure how she did it, but she raised 3 beautiful daughters who are all amazingly loving and so much fun – nothing like their mother when she was a young. Debbie has become my go-to when I need to straighten my head out. She tells me what I need to hear and brings me to tears with her love for me.
I would be a different person today if it weren’t for my big sister, Debbie. That’s why my Woman of the Year campaign for LLS is so important to me. Debbie is a Lymphoma survivor – just barely. We almost lost her during a particularly harrowing round of chemo.
I owe so much of who I am to her influence on me – both good and even maybe not so good. I would be so grateful if you would PLEASE donate to my LLS campaign so no one has to go through what Debbie did.
Our mom always tells us, “everything happens for a reason.” I believe Debbie is alive today to help others. Be part of the solution by making a donation to our campaign.