Woman Trapped in Sinking Sand at the Jersey Shore!
Woah! I thought this only happened in cartoons! Thank God she’s okay, and it’s definitely a lesson to stay aware when at the beach!
Here are the details from NBC10:
The woman was walking on a beach in Ventnor, New Jersey, around 4 p.m. Tuesday when she suddenly sank in watery sand up to her waist. Fortunately for her, a man nearby spotted her and waded through numerous sinkholes to pull her to safety.
“Thank God that a Good Samaritan there was a man walking by that helped her,” Helene Cohen of Margate, New Jersey, told NBC10. “It’s a dangerous situation. If nobody was there, who knows what would have been.”
“For whatever reason, at the end of the day, the workers failed to redesignate the area as unsafe,” Ventnor City Police Chief Douglas Biagi said. “An oversight which will not happen again.”