I usually never shut up, HA, but in case you don’t follow me on the socials or catch me on air everyday, I thought I’d share a few fun facts about myself!
I Was on a Reality Show
Yep! I was on the hit NBC reality show “The Biggest Loser” back in 2007. It was one of the best experiences of my life, even though it turned out to not be the best for our mental and physical well-being, I met some of the best people and had a blast.
I Met Michael Jackson
I interned for Epic Records in NYC in 2001. I used to take the train from Philly to NYC three times a week. Epic was Michael’s record label during that time and he came into the office for a meeting. I had no idea he was going to be there and it was a total shock. If you ever meet me, definitely ask me to tell you the story, because it’s pretty wild.
I was in NYC on 9/11
As I mentioned above, I interned for Epic Records in NYC in 2001. September 11, 2001 was my first day. I had to take the train from 30th street in Philly to Penn Station in NYC and then make my way up to the Sony Building at 55th & Madison which was where Epic was located. I was on the train from Trenton to Penn Station when I looked out the window and saw the first tower on fire. Sometimes I still can’t believe it’s real.
I wrote about my entire experience for the 20th anniversary.
I Rarely Wash My Own Hair
I know this sounds insane, but I have really long and thick hair, so I get a blowout at Blo/Out Blow Dry Bar once a week. Think about back in the day how our grandmothers would go to the salon to get their hair set? It’s the same thing, although mine is with a blow-dyer. Ha! I’m really lucky and can go at least 7-10 days without washing my hair.
I Sleep with a Blanket Every Night
I call it “My Bunting” and I had it since I was brought home from the hospital. And yes, I wash it. Ha!
I Lived in Dallas, TX
It’s still crazy this is real. Ha. After I graduated from Drexel, I moved to Dallas to work as the Assistant Promotions Director at 1061KISS FM. My old boss, who was my mentor, moved there and hired me. I hated promotions and being in Dallas, but I’m glad I did it.
I Was President of My Student Council
High School might be a while ago, but this is still one of my proudest moments. I loved it and I always think about how I might want to run for real office one day. (Only if I had my own millions). I also did the morning announcements and was voted Most Spirited. Go figure, right? Ha! Always loved a microphone.
I Can't Eat Fresh Apples
Or peaches, plums, pears, cherries, nectarines. It’s called a Birch Pollen allergy. The good news is when it’s cooked, it’s okay to eat because it changes the enzymes. Sometimes I’ll get an apple, cut it up, then sauté it to cook off the enzymes. But I can never just buy an apple (peach, pear, etc) from the story and take a bite. 🙁
I Knocked Out My Two Front Teeth
Yep, I went on The Biggest Loser and lost weight and my two front teeth! I was doing a challenge and after it was over we were allowed to swim. I was so excited that I didn’t think anything of it when I dove into the pool while standing on the “NO DIVING” sign. I dove in and CLUNK CLUNK I hit my chin and knock out my teeth! I am so grateful nothing else happened. I could have been extremely hurt! I had to get rushed to the dentist the next day and have two fake front teeth every since.
Scroll to 20:00 mark. You can see it all unfold.
I Have Written Hallmark Movies!
They aren’t made just yet, BUT I have written around 8 scripts that I hope to have made one day. My goal is Hallmark, but I honestly would love to sell to Lifetime, Netflix, UpTV, or GAFamily.
I didn’t write “Love on the Slopes,” but it’s my favorite Hallmark movie of all time!