Chris Young Eliminates The Touring Guessing Game For 2020
Chris Young would love to be out touring right now but because of the pandemic, it’s not going to happen this summer; like many other country artists, he canceled his tour.
Chris told us, “I know there’s a lot of different ways that people are looking at trying to make their show work in the perimeters that we’re kind of given right now. But I got to a point where I was like ‘Hey, we’re going to cancel this summer tour so that people aren’t constantly going ‘Is it going to happen? Is it not going to happen?'”
He added, “As much as I want to get back to work, there’s a lot of people that fall under that category right now. And, a lot of people that probably can’t afford to buy a ticket to a show right now. So, I think the best thing for safety and for everything else that’s going on, is to just cancel it and wait it out and just see where it is. I’m kind of waiting and trying to get a little bit more time before we really see what’s going to work for safety for everybody because that’s the most important thing.”