4 Ways To Avoid A Case Of Wintertime Blues
As the leaves fall and the temperature drops, it’s normal to catch a case of the winter blues! Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression related to changes in weather, especially in the wintery months. Some people refer to it as “seasonal depression.”
But don’t fret – our friends at Virtua Health put together this list of simple remedies that could help ease seasonal depression. From maintaining a sleep routine to heading outside and embracing the chilly temps – these tips could help stop the “SAD” once and for all.
Social Interaction
Connecting with friends and family is essential. Whether you chat for a quick five minute call or enjoy a two hour meal together, surrounding yourself with those you love will lighten your mood and help with upsetting thoughts.
Sleep Schedule
We know what you’re thinking… if bears can hide away all winter, why can’t I? But sleeping the days away in the snowy months isn’t great for your mental health.
Instead, crawl out from under those blankets and be proactive throughout your day! Motivate yourself with a delicious breakfast or a great new book. Save the hibernating for the bears this season!
Spend Time Outdoors
Nature is magical. Being outside and immersed in the outdoors can strongly influence your mind and body. Connecting with nature allows you to detach from intrusive thoughts that can come with seasonal depression.
Try to spend at least 30 minutes outside every day to reduce stress and improve your overall mood – whether that’s going on a walk around the block or building a snowman.
Exercise is one of the best ways to help your body combat seasonal depression. Working out releases endorphins that fight against unwanted emotions and improve overall mental health by reducing stress and pain within the body.
Additionally, exercise reduces fatigue by keeping your muscles activated. We recommend spending at least 30 minutes each day at the gym, on a run, or being active at home to help your emotional well-being.
Talk With Your Doc
SAD is a real condition and you shouldn’t have to suffer alone! Our friends at Virtua Health can get you the care you need. Get the conversation started and connect with one of their primary care physicians today.