The Andie Summers Show

What to do with the kids when there’s no power.

We all love a snow day – especially when you are a kid. Having a day off school is the best gift any kid could ask for! When it is a snow day there are plenty of things your kiddos can do. Make a snowman or have a snowball fight. You can go sledding, and of course shovel. Or, you might just want to hunker down, make some delicious snacks, and watch movies or binge your favorite series.

No snow. No power. Now what?

But what happens when school is canceled because of a power outage in the rain? That adds another level of frustration to parents. Not only are your kids home and not at school, they are bored without their devices and they can’t exactly go out and play in the … mud. We can’t even make our favorite food because we do not have a gas range. I suppose I could try to make something fun on the grill if it is not raining like crazy. I’ll have to mention this to my kids because they will be thrilled to learn that even I have trouble figuring out life without technology.

Need to report an outage?

Check these links: PECO & PSE&G

What to do?

As I write this, the temperatures are in the 40s and 50s. It is raining on and off and the ground is a swampy mess. Not to mention all of the downed trees, branches, and potential for more. So, what do you do with your kids when you have no power and you can’t go outside? According to our listeners of XTU Nation, there are many things that can be done! And some of them actually sound like fun. I like to think of days like this as a RESET. It is a break from the norm and forces us to stop what we are doing and thing outside the box. Maybe you will scroll through these ideas and find something new your family will love.

What to do with the kids when there’s no power:

  • Board Games

    Property Owners Braced For Interest Rate Hike

    Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

    We are a big gaming family, so this one is right up my alley. Board games can be fun for everyone in the family. Some of our favorites are: Blank Slate, Topple, Throw Throw Burrito, Battleship, and Monopoly.

  • Card Games

    2004 World Series Of Poker Tournament

    Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

    My family doesn’t leave the house without a pack of cards. You never know when you are going to get stuck at the airport, in traffic, or without power and card games can be an easy and fun way to pass the time. Some of our favorite games are: Pitch, Palace, Spoons, 31, and Speed.

  • Puzzles!

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    Ed Ram/Getty Images

    XTU Nation member Kathy called in with a great idea. Getting a HUGE puzzle and getting all hands on deck to put it together. She did this years ago when her children were young and home from school. They spent the day piecing the 2,000 piece puzzle together and were so proud of it she glued it, framed it, and it still hangs in their home.

  • Legos

    Lego Sales Surge 17% In First Half Of 2022 Through Uneasy Economy

    Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

    Our guy Jeff had the idea to spend the day on a Lego project. I love this! They come in so many different shapes, sizes, and aesthetics now that I know even my 16 year old daughter will enjoy it. Jeff suggested we get a big project, like Kathy mentioned above, and each of us works on a different part. Then we can bring them together to complete the scene. So many options!

  • Scavenger Hunt

    Vulture Festival LA Presented By AT&T - Search Party Scavenger Hunt

    John Sciulli/Getty Images for Vulture Festival

    A scavenger hunt is a great way to pass the time. When my kiddos were really little, I would make cute little ones that took them all over the house. If your kids are older now, have them create hunts for each other! It’s time consuming and makes them use their brains. What a concept!

  • Christmas Card Project

    Spanish Royals Christmas Cards 2022

    Casa de S.M. el Rey / Spanish Royal Household via Getty Images

    If it’s close enough to the holidays, maybe you can use your creative skills to repurpose all of those holiday cards you received. Cards that are not photo cards can be made into some really interesting objects that might be nice to use as holiday decor next year – or maybe even gifts!

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