Jeff’s Maybe Baby!! Jeff Kurkjian’s wife, Emily, is pregnant with their first baby and is due on August 4th. In preparation of all of this going down, The Andie Summers Show decided they wanted to help Jeff really get ready for this commitment. He had no idea that this was happening! Not one bit.
We paired up with Collegium Charter School to get a baby for Jeff to have to father. No, not a real baby, but actually a toy baby they use to teach the students about becoming parents.
Every Baby Needs A Name Even Jeff’s Maybe Baby
Even though this isn’t Jeff’s actual baby (that one will be called McKinley of course) we still need to name the sweet baby Jeff is going to be fathering for the next 48 hours.
If you have been following our show, you know that Jeff has always wanted to name all of his children after presidents. The baby due on August 4th, McKinley Hope Kurkjian, named after the 25th President of the United States, William McKinley.
Hopefully Jeff’s baby is a bit cuter than this man here…

377869 73: William McKinley, twenty-fifth President of the United States serving from 1897 to 1901. (Photo by National Archive/Newsmakers)
What Should We Name Jeff’s Fake Baby?
This is his MAYBE baby, not his actual baby but that doesn’t mean he or she shouldn’t have a name right? And the best part about all of these amazing names is that most of them could work for either a baby boy or a baby girl, very much gender neutral for the MAYBE baby.
Listen to Jeff’s full introduction to his Maybe Baby
So we have come up with ten options for the amazing XTU Nation to vote on. All of these were part of Jeff’s original list of potential presidential baby names, you can see the whole list here. Check out these ten, then vote for your favorite one!