The Andie Summers Show

Dog saves Philadelphia neighborhood is big time trending right now because this good boy deserves all of the love, attention and cookies after preventing a certain disaster. We originally saw this story on the Good News Network and had to make it a Cup o’ Joy.

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PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA – MARCH 05 (Photo by Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images)

Dog Saves Philadelphia Neighborhood

Let me tell you about the goodest boy in the whole wide world. Kobe is a four-year-old husky owned by Chanell Bell right here in Philadelphia. This dog is a hero because he alerted his owner to a very dangerous gas leak in the neighborhood. Kobe was digging and digging and digging the same exact spot, which is a little rare. Bell decided to investigate and thank goodness. She had her own gas detection device that discovered a significant gas leak. The discovery was huge because the authorities later informed that the leak could have caused severe health issues, brain damage or, at the worst, a very deadly explosion.

Right when she found out about the leak, she called the authorities, which was the right thing to do without a doubt. A gas crew was able to confirm the leak, shut off the gas and repair it. The problem? It was an aging pipe that was leaking in three different places. Bell was told that something as simple as turning on a light could have caused a massive explosion putting the whole neighborhood.

The foreman and the crew were honored to meet the hero, Kobe, who detected the leak potentially saving many lives. Bell said that her pups senses have always been keen and that she’s proud of the pup. It is so important to watch your animals closely because they have a sense that us humans do not have. This all went down here in Philadelphia and luckily, nobody was hurt from the dangerous leak. It’s important to remember, LISTEN to those pets of yours because their instincts are insane.

Let’s watch this video to meet Kobe!

  • Watch The Good Boy Dig Dig and Dig

    Love this husky so much. Now he’s a hero. Shoutout Kobe for this amazing act of bravery!

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