Can this even be real? Check out the video to find out because honestly we couldn’t believe it either! Check out the video below.
It’s from the company Beetl Robotics and it’s hoping to solve the issue that a lot families have with their dog. This according to their website…
There are over 35 million households in the US with dogs and backyards. Nobody likes picking up poop, so we built a computer vision-enabled robot to address the needs of dog owners everywhere.
With that, they decided to make a LAWNMOWER-SCOOPER which is absolutely genius as well. Here’s more about it…
We iterated on our robotic poop-scooper idea to add lawn mowing functionality. We opted for a sickle-bar grass shear mechanism to get the added benefit of releasing the clamshell jaws from long grass. All navigation was processed via computer vision and advanced sensor fusion.