Christmas meals are a lot to tackle. There’s the main, either ham or turkey, of course, which is a day-long task in and of itself. Then, there are the roughly five to ten customary sides to tackle, as well as dessert. There are things you don’t have to make from scratch this Christmas, though.

The meal requires a lot of work, a lot of food, and a lot of patience. If you’re taking it on by yourself, you may feel super overwhelmed, especially if it’s your first time.

I’m letting you know that the meal can be made easier. There are components of it that don’t require you to be a chef or use a cookbook. Your meal can still taste gourmet, even with pre-made ingredients that make your life easier.

You want to relax and enjoy a holiday with your family. That’s the point, right? The Christmas holiday is for giving thanks for all you have and cherishing those in your life. You don’t want to spend the entire day in the kitchen stressing over how much flour should go in your gravy and your pie crust cracking. You want to make the meal, eat it, and watch Home Alone with your family on the couch.

So here are 6 things you DON’T have to make from scratch in your Christmas dinner:

  • Any Dessert

    Last-Minute Thanksgiving Shoppers

    It’s completely fair to straight-up pick up a pie or some cookies from the grocery store on Christmas Eve. Sometimes, baking a dessert is more trouble than it’s worth. The bakery section of your local grocery store works just fine to provide sweets for your dinner.

  • Rolls

    Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade Held In New York

    Companies like Pillsbury are your best friend when it comes to rolls. They have tons of pre-made dough for your bread needs. You can also just buy pre-baked rolls from a bakery. Don’t waste your precious cooking time kneading bread!

  • Corn Or Green Beans

    Consumer Prices Continue To Rise, Accelerating At Fast Pace

    No, not green bean casserole. Green beans. Or any veggie you can get from a can, for that matter. Just throw them in a pot to heat them up and season them to your liking, no peeling, cutting, or prepping involved (unless you count a can opener).

  • Gravy

    It’s customary to use the drippings from the meat you cook to make gravy, but sometimes there is simply no time. Sometimes, the drippings aren’t enough to make a decent amount of gravy. Glass jars of gravy work way better. Pick up some pre-made gravy, heat it up, and serve it in a gravy boat next to your glorious main course. It tastes the same.

  • Cocktails

    CAA Party With Grey Goose At Soho House Cannes - 64th Annual Cannes Film Festival

    The food is the star of the day, so it’s easy to let drinks go by the wayside. If you want to serve cocktails, it’s definitely a hassle to make a whole drink each time someone wants one. There are tons of canned and bottled cocktails on the market these days to serve to your guests. They won’t be disappointed if you aren’t pretending to be a mixologist all day, they just want a drink.

  • Pie Crust

    Bay Area Charities Feed The Needy Ahead Of Thanksgiving

    Pre-made pie crust makes life so much easier. It requires no rolling pins, no messy flour, and no arm workout. Just unroll it out of the package and it tastes just the same.

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