Philly’s Local “CVS Cat” Needs a New Home
The CVS at 10th and Reed Streets in South Philadelphia has a mascot of sorts, an orange and white cat that’s been named “The CVS Cat.” And CVS Cat needs a new home…
Here’s the story:
Starting a few years ago, an elderly couple would come to the CVS and the adjacent Acme every few days with CVS Cat in tow. The cat would wait patiently outside of the CVS and then follow the couple to the Acme and sit patiently until his owners were finished their shopping. This happened every few days for years. Then the cat started showing up to the CVS alone. People in the neighborhood found out the couple moved to New Jersey and apparently just left CVS Cat.
But CVS Cat keeps showing up at the CVS.
From the Inquirer,
“Everyone in the area knows this cat,” said Liz DeMartino, who lives and works in the neighborhood. “He has brought smiles to so many people’s faces, so now we are looking for a happy ending for him.”
Those in the neighborhood are looking to find CVS Cat a forever home.
From the Inquirer,
DeMartino picked up a cat carrier this week to help anyone who’s interested in catching and adopting him. She welcomes people to reach out to her at [email protected].