NBC10 Meteorologist Glenn ‘Hurricane’ Schwartz Announces Retirement!
First Jim Gardner and now Hurricane Schwartz! This is too much for one city. But he deserves time to relax and follow more passions, but it’s still sad.
After 42 years on TV (and 27 on NBC10), I’ll be retiring at the end of May. I’m not retiring from meteorology, my life-long passion, but only from daily TV on NBC10.
I’ve decided: If I’m gonna try some new things and pursue other things I’ve put off, there’s no time like the present!
Working for NBC10 has been the crowning achievement of my professional life, and I’ll always be grateful beyond words to my work “family” with whom I’ve shared so much. And to have reached the professional heights I’ve reached in my own hometown is a blessing most people never get; I know very well how fortunate I’ve been.
But I ain’t done yet! I’ll continue to be accessible to all for personal or professional contacts at thehurricaneschwartz@gmail.com