Nicole Talks Women’s Veterans Center with Executive Director Joe Brooks!
I was fortunate to have Joe Books, executive director of the Veterans Multi-Service Center stop by to talk about the amazing services the center provides for our veterans in need. There are two centers in Philly – the main center, which most people know about, and the Women’s Center, which is fairly new, which is why I wanted to help promote it.
I’ve been involved with the Women’s Veterans Center for almost 10 years now and it’s an incredible organization that helps so many female vets. One of the most imporant facts is that the women’s center is safe space for women. Most people when they hear the word veterans think men, when in reality, women are the largest growing population of vets!
They take donations of clothing, shoes, toiletries, house items, pantry, books, accessories, and monetary donations. It’s an amazing space and I want to bring more awareness so we can help.
Women’s Veterans Center Facebook Page – CLICK HERE
Veterans Center Website – CLICK HERE
Click below to listen to Nicole’s interview with Joe for more info about the center(s).