My dog’s relative!
I found my dog’s relative on Wisdom Panel. Look at the similarities!
About Me
If you’re unfamiliar with me, my name is Shannon, the Assistant Producer on The Andie Summers Show and a rescue dog advocate. I volunteer with Philadoptables, a non-profit with the mission to assist the Delaware Valley’s most at-risk animals.
Winnie’s Background
My family currently has four dogs. Our middle child, Winnie, is a Boston Terrier mix. She was found as a stray in 2015 and ended up at ACCT Philly animal shelter. We originally fostered Winnie, and within a day, we fell in love with her and adopted her as part of our family. She was about a year old when she came to us, making her 8 1/2 now.
Winnie’s Personality
Winnie is 31 pounds with a lot of energy. She believes she is a tiny dog and will try to cuddle in your lap. She likes to sleep completely buried under your pillow and blanket. She’s a nut but extremely gentle. She’s the biggest of the four dogs but is sweet when she plays with them. Winnie loves to play with toys and lick everything!
My Dog’s Relative, Ozzie
About a year ago, we sent Winnie’s DNA to Wisdom Panel, to see what other breeds she’s mixed with. Here at the results. It was confirmed that she is half Boston Terrier with mixed with American Eskimo Dog and Pomeranian.
A month back, Winnie’s Wisdom Panel had a 52 % DNA match with a dog from Boyertown named Ozzie.
Ozzie looks exactly like Winnie. This is Ozzie.
After reaching out to Ozzie’s owner to discover more about him, his owner replied with this…
“Ozzie is 6 years old. He has the biggest personality ever, he’s a big loving goofball. Can’t get over how much they look alike!”
Because of the close proximity, we’re hoping to get Winnie and Ozzie to meet. Stay tuned!
This isn’t the first time owners have found their dog’s relatives. Check out these articles on other furry friend reunions. It’s unbelievable.