The Andie Summers Show

Before you swat that bee away from you or your kids, think again. He could save your life. According to research done in Australia, scientists found that bee venom could actually kill breast cancer cells … in an hour. This. Is. Huge.

Australian scientists found that a compound in the venom called melittin – rapidly killed two hard-to-treat cancer cells: triple-negative & HER2-enriched, without harming normal cells. They found that the venom and melittin affect the function of EGFR and HER2 , proteins on breast cancer cells that are linked to cancer growth.

Scientists at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Perth, Australia, and the University of Western Australia, who were involved with the study say they are hopeful but caution further testing needs to be done.

“The venom was extremely potent,” says Dr. Ciara Duffy, who led the research. “We found that melittin can completely destroy cancer cell membranes within 60 minutes.”

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women around the world.

Read the findings HERE.

Donnie has a joke: You know what music bees like?

Scroll through to really laugh.

  • The Bee-Gees

  • Sting

  • Beeyonce

    I know it’s Beyonce. Relax.

  • The Beetles

    Again. I know. It’s a pun.

  • Luke (Honey) Combs

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