Important Question: How Many Times Do You Say “Chugga” Before “Choo Choo”?
So in “things you never think about” news a Reddit user posed a weird question. How many “Chuggas” should be said before “Choo Choo?” The answers got really interesting.
One person wrote that two “Chuggas” have been what he’s done. However, his kid’s preschool teacher only says one “Chugga,” and he along with everyone else was in total shock. “How’s the train supposed to get anywhere?” he wrote.
One user said that the same amount times you sing “na na na na na na na na BATMAN!” is the same number of “Chuggas.”
Things got even more technical when another user used math and music theory to prove his theory. He said as long as the Chuggas were done in multiples of two then all is well.
The morning show talked about it this morning. Here is what they think.
The debate rages on. How many times do you say “chugga” before “choo choo”