Charlie On the Run! October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
America’s Sweetheart Katie Couric made the announcement last week. She has breast cancer. In sharing her news she shared a statistic that said “Every two minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States. On June 21st, I became one of them.” Here’s another startling statistic: 1 in 3 of all new female cancers each year are breast cancer. Those numbers don’t add up! While we have made tremendous advances, there is still complicated testing, experimental treatments and most importantly NO CURE!
My mother had breast cancer, my mother in-law had breast cancer, so that means my daughter’s chances of this diagnosis happening are entirely too high for my comfort. This year, like I do every October, I have one committed to run at least one mile a day to bring awareness to the fight against breast cancer. We need a cure. Until then, I will run. Follow my journey on Instagram @Chazmaxx
Every day, I run for someone who has faced the diagnosis either personally or with someone in their life. I’d be honored to run for you or someone you love! Please email me at [email protected] and share your info and I will run for you!