“Should I Use A Gift Card On The First Date?”
Three Calls End It All: “Should I Use A Gift Card On The First Date?”
XTU Nation, we need your help in settling a debate. Are you up for the task?
Every Monday on The Andie Summers Show, a member of XTU Nation shares their life’s dilemma through a heartfelt note, seeking guidance from the wisdom of the community. Whether it’s navigating tricky wedding planning decisions, mending a broken friendship, or seeking clarity on a complex family dynamic, no topic is off-limits. But there’s a twist! Only three lucky callers get to voice their opinions, and their combined perspectives will determine the final verdict. Our opinions do not matter! So, tune in every Monday at 7 am on 92.5 XTU, share similar experiences, and see if your voice becomes part of the solution! Will you be the one to offer the golden advice? Three calls will end it all in hopes of providing the best advice to our fellow XTU Nation members.
Send Us Your Dilemma
We want to hear your stories XTU Nation. Please send us a private message and submit your dilemma to The Andie Summers Show Facebook Page. You can choose to remain anonymous.
Vick Writes: Should I Use A Gift Card On The First Date?
Tonight, I’m happy to report that I have a first date with a girl I’ve been interested in for a very long time. I want to make a good impression, so I need to ask a weird question – is using a gift card a bad move? My parents gave me a $200 gift card to a really nice restaurant for Christmas, and this seems like the perfect place to take her. But, I’m also worried that whipping out a gift card might make me look cheap or tacky. Should I use the gift card or not?
Listen to the final verdict from XTU Nation:
6 Inexpensive Date Ideas: Ignite Romance Without Breaking The Bank
Some of us are perfectly okay with romance on a budget. But sometimes coming up with inexpensive date ideas can be a challenge. That’s why we came up with a list of the perfect inexpensive date ideas.
Dating Perspective
These days, people often meet on social media, dating apps, and through friends. And more people are opting for less formal first dates. It gets pricey paying for multiple dates at an expensive restaurant. Verywell Mind, a mental health platform listed some of the common reasons people are opting for “cheap” dates. Some of the reasons include inflation taking a toll on people’s monthly budgets, having bigger-than-expected housing costs, they’re just saving up, and others. But the good news is that dates don’t have to go on hold or be a problem for someone due to limited finances.
Collin Rutherford went viral on Do you know what a "bottle night" is?
Probably not, because my gf and I invented it during a 2023 blizzard in Buffalo, NY.
We lock our phones away, turn the TV off...
Each grab a bottle of wine, and talk.
That's it, we simply talk and enjoy each other's presence.
We live… pic.twitter.com/uMl1iAtpmv
— Collin Rutherford (@collin_ruth89) March 4, 2024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1764778254299185566%7Ctwgr%5E26a741128165d6a508be15139d54586248bcede0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fmjs538%2Fpeople-are-completely-divided-over-this-bottle-night-date" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X, formerly known as Twitter, after sharing his inexpensive date night idea called “bottle night.” He and his girlfriend lock their phones, turn off the TV, and each grab a bottle of wine and talk. This style date is something they do just to “enjoy each other’s presence.” Although many people just considered it “getting drunk and hanging out,” the thought behind it seems lighter on the pockets than most dates.
You Don’t Have to Stay In For An Inexpensive Date
Unlike Rutherford’s date idea, there are serval date options that don’t involve sitting at home. And of course, that type of date is generally best when you know each other well. But some workarounds that can help a date be more budget-friendly include using coupons or vouchers, finding a place with perks like a bar with a trivia night and prizes on the line, and searching up some free local events.
Inexpensive dates can alleviate your social anxiety on a first date and the financial stress of any date. Take a look at 6 inexpensive date ideas below.
Shannon, the Assistant Producer for The Andie Summers Show and the Promotions Coordinator at 92.5 XTU, is a graduate of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Her journey with the station began as an intern for The Andie Summers Show and has worked her way through the ranks for the past 4 years. Shannon is known for her articles covering and recapping 92.5 XTU station events, delivering the latest in celebrity gossip and country news, and contributing to The Andie Summers Show's daily podcasts.