If your kids are like mine, every conversation you have with them revolves around what they want for Christmas. My kids have two different approaches. One does the shopping herself and tells me what she wants, but if it’s too expensive she shows me what she’ll settle for. My son, on the other hand, throws everything at the wall and will accept whatever sticks.
‘Tis the season for kids making lists of all the things our kiddos want for the holidays. Are you the parent that tries to check off everything your kid wants? Let’s face it – in most cases, our kids already have more than we did at their age, and we turned out fine! So many moms and dads question whether these new wish-list items really will spark joy for their kids in the months, or even weeks ahead.
So, what are we, as parents, supposed to do? Trying to steer your kids toward a more minimalist lifestyle can seem challenging, but it’s not impossible. The experts would say just teach kids to be happier with fewer things! But, C’mon. Do they even have kids? And, sure, I’d love to teach my kids the difference between what they want and what they need – but that’s like telling your teenager her broken heart is no big deal in the grand scheme of things.
These expert tips just might help you with your shopping and your kids’ expectations as we get closer to the big gift-giving holidays.