Look for Cool Things Happening in the Sky Tonight!
It should be a clear evening for a little stargazing… Or planet-gazing..
Tonight the moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will line up in the overnight skies. Well, it’s more like the predawn hours, so set your alarm extra early tomorrow morning!
According to Space.com,
The predawn hours this week will sparkle as Jupiter, Saturn and Mars dance around the moon on consecutive mornings… on Thursday morning, the moon will visit Mars, passing 3.5 degrees below and to the left of the Red Planet. Start looking low to the east-southeast horizon soon after 4 a.m. as the pair slowly ascends.
Super nerdy and smart.. On my level of speech, that means you should look up in the sky in the early, early morning hours and see a bunch of planets line up with the moon.
Pretty cool science lesson for the kids!