The Most Trouble I Ever Got Into Backstage Was With Toby Keith
The most trouble I ever got into backstage was with Toby Keith.
I was there for a quick interview, we chatted about music, politics, and life. He had played a rousing show at The Freedom Mortgage Pavilion in Camden. Mrs. Razz even got to join Toby on stage to sing “Red Solo Cup”.
Backstage With Toby Keith
Toby knew how to celebrate after every concert. After the show, Toby met with John Kruk, Phillies broadcaster, David Wells formally of the Yankees, Freddie Mitchell former wide receiver for the Eagles, and various guests who had the privilege of a private meet and greet. From there he separated a few people and we all went on the bus.
We spent the next two hours rocking and dancing to hit after hit playing from Toby’s I-pod. Later in the evening, I noticed my truck keys were missing, someone had confiscated them. We had too much whiskey.
At the time, I lived in Atlantic County NJ about 30 miles from the Pavilion. We were dropped off sometime around 2 am. In the morning, I had to travel back to Camden and claim my truck from the managers and security of the pavilion. My truck was parked near the front doors as I arrived and made my way to the desk. “YOU! I never expected it. You, being sent home in a cab” the security guard shook her head. Monday morning the station manager asked me if I had a good time. She had gotten the word that I had to be sent home in a cab. Toby was fun.
Toby. A Friend.
Toby had friends in every walk of life. Presidents, baseball and football stars, actors, and everyday people….He was one of us at times and always a major star and truth-teller.
For me, I connected with Toby immediately. He was warm, friendly, and honest. He demanded that in return. Toby had your back if you had his. In a recent conversation with a friend, she said, “Toby gathered with people he liked and brought them together like a band of misfit toys”.
He had friends all over the world. Around these people, he let himself go. I’m glad he trusted me enough to be himself.
I’ll miss his voice, his heart, and his whiskey. –Razz On The Radio