X-Files: Chris Young almost DIED! Listen to him tell the story
By: Andie Summers
Did you hear about the time that Chris Young almost died on an airplane? He’ll tell us the story coming up but first …
Looks like that fight btwn the Biebs & Tom Cruise is back on! According to TMZ, Justin Bieber has agreed to a UFC fight with Cruise. The website claims a secret call recently took place between the UFC and Justin’s manager. UFC executive Dana White joined the call before Justin’s manager said Justin would absolutely fight Tom if he wanted to. The owners of the UFC believe Tom is open to fighting Justin.
Miranda Lambert is working on a new album due out in the Fall. She says it’s like “old Miranda” but at a whole new level. Miranda said she made a career on being a rock and roller and we’ll hear that throughout the album. She also said the vibe is really happy becaue she is really really happy.
And we are so excited for the Anniversary Show!
- Click HERE to find out all you need to know about the show.
- Click HERE to read the 5 things you should know about Chris Young.
- Click BELOW to hear Chris tell the story of how he almost died on an airplane