Cereal: The Most Underrated Food Group
Cereal is really THE most underrated food group! You can do so much with it! In honor of National Cereal Day, let’s talk about the fantastic versatile uses for the not just for breakfast food.
Sure, cereal is great for breakfast, but it’s also a great midnight snack. Not to mention it works great in a pinch when you have nothing left for dinner. Talk about convenient! A cereal box can be carried anywhere and you really don’t even need milk to enjoy it. You can eat it dry as a snack!
My dad used to put his coffee in his morning Special K, add a little milk, a sprinkle of sweet n low and he was ready to go! He said, “I have my entire morning in a bowl!” Okay, so my dad was a little weird, but you get the point.
Cereal is so useful you can even make special treats out of it! Talking to you, Rice Krispies.
However you eat or enjoy cereal, today is the day to recognize what a great addition it is to the world! Me? My favorite cereal? Thank you for asking: I’ll enjoy a big ol’ bowl of Cocoa Puffs.