Runners Across the Country and In Philadelphia ‘Finish Liza’s Run’
A week ago today, a women set out to go for a run. Something I’ve done a million times. Except this time Eliza Fletcher never made it home. She was was abducted during her morning jog and murdered. To honor her memory runners across the country, and here in Philadelphia, have decided to run in solidarity and complete Eliza’s run. Members of several Philadelphia run groups gathered early in the morning to head out on a run and a national run you can sign up for is slated to be completed between today and Sunday, September 18th. FINISH ELIZA’S RUN can be completed at any distance, any where you feel safe, at any time. You can also just run without registering at all.
Eliza was a teacher. She was a mother, and she was doing something we runners enjoy doing. I could go into a tirade here about how women should be able to run, anytime of day, wearing whatever she wants and not have to worry about being murdered, but we can have that conversation another time. Today we will remember Eliza, we will finish the run she was denied and we will do our best to ensure this never happens again.
It breaks my heart that this isn’t the first time I am joining a movement to finish a run that was begun by a woman whose run ended violently. Here’s hoping this doesn’t become habit.